Railway infrastructure expertise & products

In addition to its multidisciplinary railway engineering activities, TUC RAIL also provides assistance and consultancy in the field of infrastructure management

Our offer

Through its subsidiary TUC RAIL, the Belgian railway infrastructure manager Infrabel wishes to make its specialised know-how and experience in the field of asset managementmaintenance and digitalisation available to other infrastructure managers and interested parties.

This specialised know-how and experience include drafting operating and maintenance manualsproviding consultancy in the field of predictive maintenance and digitalisation of asset management, etc. 

Our tools

Some of these tools and products developed for Belgian railway infrastructure management could also be adapted for use on other networks.

Examples are software for monitoring and reporting of incidents on the railway networktraction power simulationslicenses for the use of special OCL technologies such as R1TSI which is a certified migratory OCL system capable of operating at 3 kV DC and 25 kV AC, etc.